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Saturday, 10 March 2012

North Country

Hi its Varsha and i'm back with another review. And its for the movie "North Country" starring Charlize Theron as lead, the film is based on the law suit which changed the sexual harassment law in the history and based on the  book Class Action. The film stars Frances Dormand,Woody Harrelson, Richard Jenkins and Sissy Spacek.
Josey, a mother of two, leaves her abusive husband and comes to northern Minnesota to her family and starts looking for a job. Her father finds Josey a disgrace as she had her finds her 1st baby when she was only 16. She finds a job in local iron mine with the help of her friend Glory and her husband Kyle. Josey's father doesn't like this job for her as he also works in mine but because of the high pay she opts to disappoint him.In the iron mine, the men dominate the women because of number and most of them harass the women. Frustrated from this daily harassment she complains to her boss, Peterson only to be disappointed. She files a complaint against the mine company for sexual harassment and the law suits runs parallel to Josey's story. The movie ends with a shocking truth and we meet the real Josey.
With a eye opening subject of how the sexual harassment law came into existence, North Country celebrates women-hood and its need for respect. Charlize Theron stands shining with a strong performance and is worth for getting nominated for the Oscars. A must watch for all the women out there and a must must watch for men too. Here is one such movies which teaches you to stand against wrong whether the wrong done by a person or a whole goddamn company.

1 comment:

  1. Give it to me tomorrow..the movie :) Job well done :)
